
Roger Spink

I have many years of experience in the private and public sector and believe we need a strong
local economy that values all workers.
I will continue to work to preserve the environment and beauty of the Islands whilst developing
the economy to increase and improve employment, entrepreneurial opportunities and ultimately
enhancing quality of life and prosperity.
Infrastructure is the backbone of economic growth, as we recover from the Covid Pandemic.
Government has a pivotal role to play which includes providing decisive leadership and vision,
investing in strategic infrastructure and development, and implementing enabling policies. If
elected I would push for an early refresh of the economic development plan in conjunction with
the private sector. We also need to roll out the Housing and Environmental Strategies.
The concerns on Salmon Farming have been well made and an early decision on the future, if any,
for such an industry must to be made.
More promising areas for growth such as Carbon Offsetting, alternative energy and building the
Falklands as a gateway need support and engagement by FIG.
Investment in education is a powerful tool boosting growth and increasing prosperity.
There is progress raising nurseries standards, child allowances and childcare support.
We must give our people the skills necessary to take on higher paid jobs that currently are filled
by contract workers.
Opportunities for Islanders need to be developed across the Islands.
The support of sports in the Islands is essential for health and well being.
Support for families and children is crucial.
Social care is vital to our elderly and vulnerable more work is needed in this area.
The review of pensions provision in early 2022 will enable members at an early stage to consider
how to deliver a costed and more progressive pensions policy.
Whilst it is hoped that the monopoly provider of telecoms services will rise to the challenge of new
technologies working with FIG and the TDG to improve the service provision in the Islands we
must review and fully understand what legislative and legal options are open to FIG.
The fundamental principle of self-determination applies to the Falklands. Despite this Argentina
still exercises a series of economic sanctions against us with no respect whatsoever for our
human rights, while at the same time it cynically promotes its commitment to human rights on the
world stage. As I said in a 2010 FIRS interview and in a speech to the United Nations C24 in 2019
“Blockading and bullying the population of the Falklands has merely alienated Argentina to the
younger members of our population and demonstrated to them and the younger generation in
Chile who may have relatives in the Falklands, that the Argentina of today is no different to that of
1982” Nothing has changed.
A reserves policy that cushions us against variations in income and ensures we are able to fund
future liabilities is essential.
Finally in 1982 many people paid the ultimate sacrifice so we could determine our future please
use your vote.

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